The Pierce County Tribune reported, "Rugby Public School Board members heard teachers’ concerns about the availability of daycare services in Rugby at their regular meeting on March 8 in the Rugby High School library. Board members listened to Rugby High teachers Brianne Welk and Brittany Lovcik describe their struggles as new moms to find daycare services for their infants. Lyndsey Graner, of North Dakota Department of Human Services Early Childhood Licensing, joined the teachers to explain the lack of daycare availability in the community.
School Superintendent Mike McNeff told the board, “We are in a daycare crisis in this community and we actually met last Friday with Heart of America Medical Center in their needs assessment session as one of the community’s largest employers – Rugby Manufacturing, the hospital, and the school. We were all saying the same thing. We can’t find workers, and that’s directly related to childcare access.”
Read the full story here.
